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Blog overview

Published at: 1721806376399

Celebrating Excellence: Meijer Potato Computable Award Nomination

We are proud to announce that this year "Meijer Potato - Crossing Potatoes" has been nominated in the category of Best Digital Innovation Projects in ICT. Join us in celebrating this achievement and l...

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Published at: 1721220896793

Help, I’ve become a key user!

Maybe you know the feeling: you go to work thinking it’s going to be a normal day. But then the unexpected happens: you are asked to become a key user of a new IT system that’s about to be implemented...

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Published at: 1721220070055

Emixa Agile Workshops (Offline & Online)

For most organizations, adopting Agile through the Scrum methodology represents a fundamental shift in collaboration and management. To implement this change effectively, it is crucial first to experi...

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Published at: 1721219846579

3 reasons why clear KPI’s can help a Product Owner

The Product Owner role (often given different names but generally the same concept) involves prioritising the product backlog with the right vision to maximise product value. Many organisations interp...

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Published at: 1721219715788

Introduction to IAM – A Jungle of Terms and Acronyms

Introduction to IAM – A Jungle of Terms and Acronyms The impact of the pandemic has been profound. Nowadays, many more employees work from home, using their own networks to access corporate applicatio...

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Published at: 1721219520988

Scaling New Business Models: 3 Initial Takeaways

More and more retail brands are embarking on new initiatives, such as refurbishment, subscription services, and usage-based models. Sometimes out of opportunity, but often from necessity. Driven by th...

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Published at: 1720436282419

Hennes de Ridder about modular construction: 'Legoisation'

Hennes de Ridder is an Emeritus Professor of Integral Design at TU Delft. As a 'construction critic', he is frustrated by the constant reinvention of the wheel in the sector. We talked to him about ho...

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Published at: 1720008235878

Celebrating Excellence: InMotion Computable Award Nomination

We are proud to announce that this year 'InMotion - Charging Ahead Towards Le Mans e-Racing' has been nominated in the category of Best Educational Projects in ICT. Join us in celebrating this achieve...

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Published at: 1719155263817

VolkerWessels Telecom is Ready for the Future with a New ERP system

Live! VolkerWessels Telecom is prepared for the future with a brand-new ERP system. The company now has more insight into and control over its many installation and management projects and service con...

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