SAP PLM Roadshow
SAP PLM Roadshow
08 Oct

SAP PLM Roadshow: Innovationen und Partnerschaften im Fokus​

08 October 2024 09:45 - 13:45 Uhr SAP Geschäftsstelle, Eschborn, Deutschland

Sprache: Deutsch SAP PLM Roadshow: Innovationen und Partnerschaften im Fokus Die diesjährige SAP PLM Roadshow bringt führende Unternehmen und Experten aus der Industrie zusammen, um die neuesten Trends und Entwicklungen im Bereich Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) zu präsentieren. Im Mittelpunkt steht die strategische Partnerschaft zwischen SAP und Siemens Industry Software, die eine neue Ära der Integration und Innovation einläutet. Die Partnerschaft zwischen SAP und Siemens Industry Software SAP und Siemens haben ihre Kräfte gebündelt, um eine umfassende und nahtlose PLM-Lösung anzubieten, die die Stärken beider Unternehmen vereint. Diese Partnerschaft ermöglicht es Unternehmen, ihre Entwicklungs- und Produktionsprozesse zu optimieren und so ihre Effizienz und Innovationsfähigkeit zu steigern. Durch die Integration von SAP's ERP-Systemen mit Siemens' PLM-Technologien entstehen durchgängige Lösungen, die den gesamten Produktlebenszyklus abdecken – von der Idee über die Entwicklung bis hin zur Produktion und darüber hinaus. Emixa als Partner und Berater Emixa spielt eine entscheidende Rolle in diesem Ökosystem, indem es Unternehmen hilft, die Potenziale dieser neuen Lösungen voll auszuschöpfen. Mit tiefgehender Branchenkenntnis und Technologieexpertise unterstützt Emixa seine Kunden dabei, die digitale Transformation erfolgreich zu gestalten. Dies umfasst die Implementierung und Integration der PLM-Lösungen von SAP und Siemens sowie die Anpassung an individuelle Geschäftsanforderungen. Unsere Dienstleistungen und Lösungen Implementierung und Integration: Emixa übernimmt die nahtlose Implementierung der SAP- und Siemens-Lösungen in die bestehende IT-Landschaft der Kunden. Dabei sorgen wir für eine reibungslose Integration der Systeme, um durchgängige Prozesse zu gewährleisten. Beratung und Anpassung: Wir bieten maßgeschneiderte Beratungsdienstleistungen, um die spezifischen Anforderungen unserer Kunden zu analysieren und die PLM-Lösungen entsprechend anzupassen. Unsere Experten arbeiten eng mit den Kunden zusammen, um optimale Lösungen zu entwickeln und umzusetzen. Schulung und Support: Emixa stellt sicher, dass Ihre Teams bestens auf die Nutzung der neuen Systeme vorbereitet sind. Durch gezielte Schulungen und fortlaufenden Support unterstützen wir Sie dabei, das volle Potenzial der PLM-Lösungen auszuschöpfen. Langfristige Partnerschaften Unser Ziel bei Emixa ist es, langfristige und für beide Seiten vorteilhafte Partnerschaften mit unseren Kunden, Partnern und Stakeholdern aufzubauen. Wir sehen uns nicht nur als Dienstleister, sondern als vertrauensvoller Partner und Berater, der Sie auf Ihrem Weg zur digitalen Transformation begleitet. Fazit Die SAP PLM Roadshow und die Partnerschaft zwischen SAP und Siemens Industry Software eröffnen neue Möglichkeiten für Unternehmen, ihre Produktentwicklungs- und Produktionsprozesse zu optimieren. Emixa unterstützt Sie dabei, diese Möglichkeiten zu nutzen und Ihre digitale Transformation erfolgreich zu gestalten. Gemeinsam schaffen wir Lösungen, die Ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit stärken und Innovationen fördern. Themen

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SAP PLM Roadshow
08 Oct

SAP PLM Roadshow: Focus on Innovations and Partnerships

08 October 2024 09:45 - 13:45 CET SAP Office, Eschborn, Germany

Language: German This year's SAP PLM Roadshow brings together leading companies and industry experts to showcase the latest trends and developments in Product Lifecycle Management (PLM). The focus is on the strategic partnership between SAP and Siemens Industry Software, which ushers in a new era of integration and innovation. The partnership between SAP and Siemens Industry Software SAP and Siemens have joined forces to offer a comprehensive and seamless PLM solution that combines the strengths of both companies. This partnership enables companies to optimize their development and production processes, thus increasing their efficiency and innovative capacity. The integration of SAP's ERP systems with Siemens' PLM technologies creates end-to-end solutions that cover the entire product lifecycle – from idea to development to production and beyond. Emixa as a partner and advisor Emixa plays a crucial role in this ecosystem by helping companies to fully exploit the potential of these new solutions. With in-depth industry knowledge and technology expertise, Emixa supports its customers in successfully shaping the digital transformation. This includes the implementation and integration of the PLM solutions from SAP and Siemens as well as the adaptation to individual business requirements. Our services and solutions Implementation and integration: Emixa takes care of the seamless implementation of SAP and Siemens solutions into the customers' existing IT landscape. In doing so, we ensure smooth integration of the systems in order to ensure consistent processes. Consulting and customization: We offer customized consulting services to analyze the specific requirements of our customers and adapt PLM solutions accordingly. Our experts work closely with customers to develop and implement optimal solutions. Training and support: Emixa ensures that your teams are fully prepared to use the new systems. Through targeted training and ongoing support, we help you realize the full potential of PLM solutions. Long-term partnerships At Emixa, our goal is to build long-term and mutually beneficial partnerships with our customers, partners and stakeholders. We see ourselves not only as a service provider, but as a trustworthy partner and consultant who accompanies you on your way to digital transformation. Result The SAP PLM Roadshow and the partnership between SAP and Siemens Industry Software open up new opportunities for companies to optimize their product development and production processes. Emixa supports you in taking advantage of these opportunities and making your digital transformation successful. Together, we create solutions that strengthen your competitiveness and promote innovation. Topics

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EV | UK | Event | Digital University 2024
10 Jul

Digital University 2024

10 July 2024 08:30 - 16:30 The British Motor Museum, Warwick, CV35 0BJ, UK

Digital University is one of the largest Siemens PLM user events in the world. The event showcases the latest in technology, trends and key information that all design and manufacturing companies need to know about. We bring together some of the most advanced and well-known companies in the engineering and digitalization sector so that you can attend and learn, explore and connect with other like-minded people. We have some excellent speakers, topics and sessions planned. We look forward to seeing you there.

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EV | NL | Webinar | Mendix Teamcenter
04 Jul

Augment the Power of PLM with Low-Code

04 July 2024 12:00 - 12:45 CEST Online Webinar

Augment the Power of PLM with Low-Code: Mendix and Teamcenter for Enhanced Efficiency and Collaboration in Manufacturing: Recently, Mendix released a new Teamcenter extension that enables seamless integration with Teamcenter. This extension allows Mendix developers to easily retrieve and send data, manage article structures and create item revisions. While a separate Marketplace module already connects Mendix to Teamcenter, this new extension significantly enhances functionality. Itempowers developers to quickly quickly sync data from Teamcenter to your ERP and automate production orders in ERP when designs are approved in Teamcenter. This webinar will explore how combining Mendix low-code with Siemens Teamcenter can transform your product data management. Learn how this powerful integration enables seamless collaboration across departments, accelerates innovation, and streamlines your workflows. Key Benefits: Empowered Collaboration: Easily collaborate on cross-domain applications and accelerate initiatives across departments. Enhanced User Experience: Optimised for mobile and offline applications, ensuring accessibility and flexibility. End-to-End Workflows: Efficiently manage design, system development, software simulation, and visualisation. Extended Digital Twin: Achieve cost efficiency in design to manufacturing processes. Rapid Application Development: Quickly develop composite applications with a multi-platform user experience. Streamlined Processes: Effortlessly connect enterprise systems and data sources, eliminating manual processes and reducing errors. Competitive Advantage: Accelerate innovation, improve decision-making, and enhance overall efficiency and collaboration. This Mendix & Teamcenter Webinar Event is open to all manufacturing companies worldwide. Ideal for: Engineers, Managers, Operational Managers and anyone interested in optimizing their PLM processes.

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EV | UK | Webinar | Day 2 - Engineering Symposium
27 Jun

Engineering Symposium Design Webinar 2024: Best in Class (Day 2)

27 June 2024 13:00 - 15:00 Online Webinar

Explore the latest 3D Design & PDM advancements, across all key industries, at the Engineering Symposium 2024 Webinar. This year there has already been, and will be many advancements in Engineering. More specifically, in Engineering 3D Design and PDM. Everything from new design features that can speed up product modelling time by 5X, to PDM tools that can seamlessly manage, access and work with all Engineering data files like never before. This event will showcase and explore how Engineers can overcome & eliminate common Engineering Design & PDM issues that millions of people have been impacted by daily, for years, including: Design platform crashing/blue screening Large Assembly Management crashing/delays Lack of Design, Analysis & Product Data cohesion PDM data associativity issues & search delays Lack of system clarity & an unclear CAD & PDM pathway We will also have Globally recognized guest speakers discussing updates in automation, advanced design & manufacturing, and the use of upfront digital validation to transform your 3D designs into real world products. The first 50 registrations will receive an exclusive invite to an Engineering review & strategy workshop that we’ll be holding soon where you can learn more about how to optimize your own Product Development process (£2,500 of free value). This Engineering Symposium Design Webinar Event is open to all Engineering companies worldwide.

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EV | UK | Webinar | Day 1 - Engineering Symposium 2024
26 Jun

Engineering Symposium Design Webinar 2024: Best in Class

26 June 2024 13:00 - 15:00 Online Webinar

Explore the latest 3D Design & PDM advancements, across all key industries, at the Engineering Symposium 2024 Webinar. This year there has already been, and will be many advancements in Engineering. More specifically, in Engineering 3D Design and PDM. Everything from new design features that can speed up product modelling time by 5X, to PDM tools that can seamlessly manage, access and work with all Engineering data files like never before. This event will showcase and explore how Engineers can overcome & eliminate common Engineering Design & PDM issues that millions of people have been impacted by daily, for years, including: Design platform crashing/blue screening Large Assembly Management crashing/delays Lack of Design, Analysis & Product Data cohesion PDM data associativity issues & search delays Lack of system clarity & an unclear CAD & PDM pathway We will also have Globally recognized guest speakers discussing updates in automation, advanced design & manufacturing, and the use of upfront digital validation to transform your 3D designs into real world products. The first 50 registrations will receive an exclusive invite to an Engineering review & strategy workshop that we’ll be holding soon where you can learn more about how to optimize your own Product Development process (£2,500 of free value). This Engineering Symposium Design Webinar Event is open to all Engineering companies worldwide.

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EV | UK | Webinar | Solid Edge Simulation Webinar - 20th June 2024
20 Jun

Solid Edge Simulation Webinar

20 June 2024 14:00 - 14:45 Online Webinar

Solid Edge Simulation offers an easy-to-use and powerful simulation environment with built-in finite element analysis tools that provide design engineers with the capabilities to digitally validate part and assembly designs within the Solid Edge environment. This Siemens Solid Edge software reduces the need for physical prototypes and as a result minimizes material and testing costs and time. The module is open flexible and simple to use by any Solid Edge user. Easily create finite element models and input the load and constraints definitions to ensure all requirements are met. Alongside the creation, Solid Edge Simulation offers effective analysis capabilities including quickly connecting assembly model components together, analyzing structural simulation results for elements such as deformation, stress and strain. Additional simulation functionalities include; Full motion, Stress analysis, Vibration, Buckling and Thermal. This Solid Edge Advanced Simulation webinar will offer a detailed breakdown of the Siemens software module, providing you with the capabilities and benefits brought to your business. Hear from our team of experts who will share their extensive knowledge of the software and be on hand to answer any questions you may have. Register now to secure your place.

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EV | UK | Webinar | FY24 | Q2 | NX & Simcenter: Explore Token Webinar
13 Jun

Explore NX & Simcenter Tokens Webinar

13 June 2024 14:00 - 14:45 Online Webinar

Are you looking for a new way to use NX and Simcenter? With Value based Token Licensing for NX and Simcenter, your business can: - Gain access to 100+ Engineering modules in a central software pool - Work quickly, checking in and out of licenses that your business manages - Scale your license usage, cost effectively - Be in full control of your licensing setup - Use occasionally needed tools without having to make any separate purchases In this Siemens Token Licensing Capabilities webinar, we will explore token licensing and show you all there is to know about how it works and how your business could benefit from using it. Register now to secure your place.

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EV | UK | Webinar | Polarion Requirements Management - May 30th 2024
30 May

Best-in-class: Requirements Management Webinar

30 May 2024 14:00 - 14:45 Online Webinar

Are your requirements managed effectively? Does your business need to adhere to regulations? Are there strict requirements in your sector? Using a solution to manage compliance and safety throughout product development, whilst enabling collaboration, traceability and utilization of powerful workflows is needed for optimum results. You develop faster, and work with no roadblocks, whilst knowing that every process abides to all regulations in your in sector. It's a stress free way of working that can be custom fitted to your business. On this online session, we'll deep dive into a leading requirements management tool that makes it easy to capture, trace, analyze, and manage changes to data. Control of requirements is key to reducing costs, increasing efficiency, and improving the quality of your products. We'll also be showing best practices and tools you need to know about in 2024 and beyond. BONUS: All new registrants will get access to an exclusive requirements management workshop OR requirements audit worth £3,000+. Our team of experts can report back to you on your current efficiency and how to maximize your benefits - no strings attached. *Workshops OR audits must be booked with us before June 14th 2024.*

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