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Business Challenges
- How can Comfort Partners optimise its materials management?
- How can it make sure mechanics have the right materials at hand?
- How can it prevent unproductive visits to clients' homes?
Keys to Success
- Knowledgeable team of consultants, using the latest technologies
- Close collaboration with the Comfort Partners team
- A proof-of-concept in 48 hours and speedy delivery of Minimum Viable Product
- Mechanics have the right materials for the job (bye bye, stock-outs)
- Stock is optimised for each object in time for the busy winter period
- Minimised risk of theft from lower stock value in vans
How Comfort Partners Helps Both Clients and Mechanics with a Smart Materials App

Business Challenges
Comfort Partners is an installation and service company specialising in heating and cooling systems. Its mission is to contribute to the construction of new buildings and ensure existing buildings are healthy and sustainable, all to create quality homes.
As part of its services, mechanics respond promptly to assist residents when issues arise. However, upon arrival, they may occasionally discover they lack the correct materials for the task. This leads to disappointment for both the client and the mechanic. How can this be improved?
Keys to Success
In the weeks before the Hackathon, our team of consultants start preparations together with Comfort Partners. What is the business value of designing this solution? What is the quality of the data the app will be using? Who could join our team to support them with insights and data during the Hackathon?
During the 48-hour Hackathon, our team of consultants, data scientists, and developers gets to work. They use historical data to determine the optimal number and types of materials required in the mechanics' vans. Our team also builds an app to make the information easily available.
In the weeks after the Hackathon, our team continues to optimise this concept and builds a Minimum Viable Product. Ready to use before the busy winter period.

It proves smarter materials management is possible. Comfort Partners minimises the risk of stock-out: the situation in which a mechanic does not have the right materials for the job. Preventing unsuccessful visits also reduces unnecessary mileage. Moreover, having lower stock value in the vans also reduces the risk of theft. A huge step in making clients and mechanics happy.

How Comfort Partners helps both clients and mechanics with a smart materials app
"I was impressed by the presentation of the prototype. By using data, we can work 'one-time-right' and also optimise the materials needed. Very interesting to see."

Jim Commandeur
Manager Comfort Connected at Comfort Partners